Testimonies to the Church, Vol.8 p.120
“There will be a sharp conflict between those who are loyal to God and those who cast scorn upon His law. Reverence for God’s law has been subverted. The religious leaders are teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. As it was in the days of ancient Israel, so it is in this age of the world. But because of the prevalence of disloyalty and transgression, will those who have reverenced the law of God now cherish less respect for it? Will they unite with the powers of earth to make it void? The loyal will not be carried away by the current of evil. They will not throw contempt on that which God has set apart as holy. They will not follow Israel’s example of forgetfulness; they will call to remembrance God’s dealings with His people in all ages, and will walk in the way of His commandments. The test comes to everyone. There are only two sides. On which side are you?”
Testimonies to the Church, Vol.8 p.120
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