SDA Bible commentary Vol. 6 p.1113
On July 31, 2020 0 Comments
- Meditations
“Hanging upon the cross Christ was the gospel. Now we have a message, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world.” Will not our church members keep their eyes fixed on a crucified and risen Saviour, in whom their hopes of eternal life are centered? This is our message, our argument, our doctrine, our warning to the impenitent, our encouragement for the sorrowing, the hope for every believer. If we can awaken an interest in men’s minds that will cause them to fix their eyes on Christ, we may step aside, and ask them only to continue to fix their eyes upon the Lamb of God. Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”
SDA Bible commentary Vol. 6 p.1113
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