Review & Herald – May 28, 1895, Paragraph 7
“How few realize how solemn a thing it is to approach the throne of God. Let us remember that the holy angels approach the throne of God in reverence and holy fear. It is because men do not know God or Jesus Christ whom he has sent, that they take improper attitudes and utter improper words in their petitions. They do not approach God as humble suppliants, realizing that they are dependent upon him for life and health, for food and clothing, and for every temporal and spiritual blessing. They misinterpret the apostle’s words when he tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace. Many come into the presence of God without reverence or humility, acting more like bold, forward children than like meek and lowly followers of Christ. The boldness is confidence in God, not self-confidence. But all rashness, all irreverence, is to be far from those who would offer acceptable prayer.”
Review & Herald – May 28, 1895, Paragraph 7
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