Review and Herald, July 5, 1898 par.6
“When Peter’s turn came, he utterly refused to allow Christ to touch his feet. When Christ told Peter that unless he submitted to this service, he could have no part with him, Peter surrendered his pride and self-will. That lesson comprehended more than bodily cleansing. In the very act of girding himself with a towel to wash the feet of his disciples, Jesus would subdue and cleanse them from their alienation, and dissension, and jealousy, and pride. Jesus could not give them the lessons he so much desired to impart unless they would come into a proper state of humility and affection. A change of feeling did come; the union of heart and love for one another did exist. They became meek, teachable, and loving, and would have conceded to any one the highest place. They were prepared to partake of the last supper with fragrant feelings of love, deep and full, for their Master and for one another.”
Review and Herald, July 5, 1898 par.6
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