Michael Musante
“The Lord is mighty in patience and tolerant for the soul who desires His will and character in their life.Though like little children we may slip and fall, the Lord is quick to extend His hand, impart His strength, give us His ear, and lend us His shoulder.There is no time when the Lord will refuse one of these “precious ones,” from coming to the throne of grace and mercy.Children of God, do no refuse the Lord and force Him to stand idly by, waiting outside the door of our heart; then we ultimately push Him outside the reach of our thoughts and decisions.And when trouble comes, threatening to overtake us, we may cry out, “Lord, where are you?”The Lord cannot force us to go where He desires, only those who heed His pleading voice, “follow Me,” will be guided back to the place which He has prepared for us, and is even now waiting to receive those who have been about their “Father’s” business.
Today, will you decide to follow Jesus?.”
~Michael Musante
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