Desire of Ages, p. 52-55
“The priest went through the ceremony of his official work. He took the child in his arms, and held it up before the altar. After handing it back to its mother, he inscribed the name “Jesus” on the roll of the first-born. Little did he think, as the babe lay in his arms, that it was the Majesty of heaven, the King of glory… He did not think that this babe was He whose glory Moses had asked to see… It was He who declared Himself to Moses as the I AM. It was He who in the pillar of cloud and of fire had been the guide of Israel… The name of that helpless little babe, inscribed in the roll of Israel, declaring Him our brother, was the hope of fallen humanity… The priest looked upon Him as he would upon any other child. But though he neither saw nor felt anything unusual, God’s act in giving His Son to the world was acknowledged. This occasion did not pass without some recognition of Christ.”
Desire of Ages, p. 52-55 cheap viagra 150 mg cialis for sale
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