My Life Today, p. 292 & Prayer, p. 11
My Life Today, p. 292
“The Lord is in active communication with every part of His vast dominions. He is listening to every word that is uttered. He hears every groan; He listens to every prayer; He observes the movements of every one. God has always had a care for His people. Not a sparrow, He said, falls to the ground without the notice of our heavenly Father. And if the little sparrow is re-garded by Him, surely the souls of those for whom Christ has died are precious in His sight.
It is true that disappointments will come; tribulation we must expect; but we are to commit everything, great and small, to God. He does not become perplexed by the multiplicity of our grievances, nor overpowered by the weight of our burdens. His watchcare extends to every household, and encircles every individual; He is concerned in all our business and our sorrows. He marks every tear; He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. All the afflictions and trials that befall us here are permitted, to work out His purposes of love toward us.”
Prayer, p. 11
“Rest yourself wholly in the hands of Jesus. Contemplate His great love, and while you meditate upon His self-denial, His infinite sacrifice made in our behalf in order that we should believe in Him, your heart will be filled with holy joy, calm peace, and indescribable love.”
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